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Business Vehicle Loans

Business Vehicle Loans

Keep your business rolling with the wheels you need.

Reliable transportation isn’t a luxury for a small business—it’s a necessity. Frontwave has your back when you need a new or used car, truck, trailer or van to keep your business rolling. Our competitive and flexible financing options are designed to meet your specific needs, helping your business grow and thrive.

Frontwave offers two types of financing depending on your business needs:

  • Business Vehicle Loans: Ideal for cars, trucks, trailers, vans and other vehicles under one ton.
  • Commercial Vehicle Loans: Perfect for vehicles over one ton, semis, and specialized or modified vehicles.

Why Choose Us?

  • Tailored Loans: Borrow $5,000 to $350,000 – up to 120% of the vehicle's value
  • Competitive Rates, Flexible Terms: Secure top rates, up to 84 months to repay.
  • Dedicated Support: Expert guidance every step of the way.
  • Speedy Approval: Fast, efficient and affordable loan processing.

Ready to drive your business forward? Get a vehicle loan from Frontwave Credit Union and accelerate your growth. Call one of our Business Banking Specialists at 760.631.8700 x1603 or fill out our simple Inquiry Form, and we'll be in touch soon!

Membership and credit qualifications apply. A valid driver's license and current insurance information are required at time of financing. No Lemon Law buybacks or grey/salvage titles. Other restrictions may apply.