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Home Equity Loans

Home Equity Loans

Build something big. Buy something nice. Go someplace special.

You've worked really hard to pay down your mortgage. Sure, that makes you feel pretty good. But even better, it sets you up for a low-cost Frontwave Credit Union home equity loan. Yes, you can use it for home repairs or renovations. But you can also put in a pool, take a trip to someplace cool, or pay tuition at your kid's school. After we give you a lump sum of money, it's completely up to you.

  • Borrow up to 85% of the value of your primary residence
  • Low fixed rates offered on terms of 10, 15, 20, and 251 years
  • No annual or application fees
  • Interest on this loan may also be tax deductible2

1Minimum loan amount is $75,000.
2Consult your tax advisor regarding deductibility of interest. Membership qualifications apply. Rate, terms, and conditions may vary and depend on credit worthiness.

Equity Loans

Utilize up to

85% of your home's value

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