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Frontwave Blog

Welcome to the New Frontwave Blog!

We’ve been fighting to bring serious value to our Members for nearly 70 years. We don’t see ourselves as just another bank. We get to know our Members, their dreams and hopes. And not only do we help them get stuff done, we’d like to think we provide some sage advice along the way.
From the in-house experts who run our Financial Education workshops and seminars, to our Home Loan Consultants and dedicated branch staff, we’ve got a fair bit of experience and knowledge on our team. So we figured, why not share with all of our Members, all in one place?
That’s what this new blog is all about. Our goal is to create a one-stop shop for you to find helpful financial tools, resources and advice, as well as all the latest credit union news. You’ll also get to know some of our team members — or “Dream Makers,” as we call them — and hear updates on what we’re doing in the community.
If you’re looking for advice on banking, lending, saving or planning, you’ve come to the right place. So have a look around and let us know if there's anything else you'd like to see. You can hit us up on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We'd love to connect with you!