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Frontwave Blog

How to Make a Mobile Deposit

Have you used Mobile Deposit to deposit a check yet? If not, you don’t know what you’re missing! It’s the fastest, most convenient way to deposit checks anytime, anywhere – no more driving to a branch or ATM. Best of all, it’s easy – and free!

We whipped up a sweet video to walk you through the process.

Prefer the step-by-step directions?

We've got you covered there, too! Here's how it works:

  1. Login to mobile banking using the Frontwave Mobile App. Don’t have the app yet? Download it now to your iPhoneor Android device.

  2. From the mobile banking dashboard, tap on the “Deposit Check” button.

  3. Choose the account you want to deposit the check into by tapping on “Deposit account” and then selecting from the list of available accounts that pop up.

  4. Tap on the “Amount” section and use the keyboard that appears on the screen to enter the amount of the check.

  5. Tap on the “Check Front” icon, then read the instructions for taking a photo of the front of your check. Be sure to place the check on a flat, evenly lit, solid-colored surface. When you’re ready to take your photo, click “Continue.”

  6. Align the front side of your check within the viewfinder that appears on the screen, then tap the center of your screen to take a photo of it.

  7. A preview of the photo you took will appear. If the image is clear, tap “Done.” If you need to retake the photo, tap on the trash can icon and repeat step 6.

  8. Now tap on the “Check Back” icon. Prepare the back of your check by signing it and printing “for mobile deposit only” below your signature. Then tap “Continue.”

  9. Align the back side of your check within the viewfinder that appears on the screen, then tap the center of your screen to take a photo.

  10. A preview of the photo you took will appear. If the image is clear, tap “Done.” If you need to retake the photo, tap on the trash can icon and repeat step 9.

  11. To complete your deposit, tap the “Deposit Check” button. A confirmation page will appear. Tap “OK” to go back to the main dashboard or “Deposit Another Check” if you have more checks to deposit.

Want to learn more about all our great online and mobile banking features? Check out our Digital Banking page.