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Oceanside Museum of Art Plein Air Festival

If you live in or near Oceanside, California, you know this beautiful coastal town truly blossoms come summertime, offering gorgeous coastlines, charming cityscapes, abundant gardens, and an eclectic mix events and activities. To capture this visual splendor in all its glory, the Oceanside Museum of Art has invited artists from across the region to bring their talents to the 2021 Plein Air Festival, beginning on July 24.

Frontwave Credit Union is a proud sponsor of this week-long festival celebrating our beautiful city. Artists of all skill levels and experience will experiment with a variety of styles and techniques that draw from the rich traditions of “plein air” painting – that is, painting that is completed in the field, on location, and “in the moment.”

A series of scheduled painting events and free paint days will give spectators across Oceanside the opportunity to watch these works of art come together in real time – and even have the opportunity to bid on them right off the easel.

At the end of the festival, artists are invited to submit 2 pieces for judging, culminating in an awards ceremony and exhibition at the museum on July 31. As one of the event’s Title Sponsors, Frontwave Credit Union is honored to be presenting the Trailblazer Award for the most innovative use of artistic technique, style and materials.

If you’re a budding artist or professional interested in participating, there’s still time to join in on the fun! You can register at to secure your spot.

More interested in watching the artists make their magic? Check out the full list of events throughout the week on the Oceanside Museum of Art’s website at