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Utilizing Frontwave’s Investment Services Team

Humor us for a moment and picture this: you’ve set up your checking and savings accounts with Frontwave, maybe even secured a loan or two. You’re comfortable(ish) with tracking your finances, but for the most part, you’re pretty hands-off. You blink and suddenly 30 years go by. What have you done to set up your retirement plans? Have you invested money beyond the simple interest you’ve racked up in your accounts? Did you set your family up financially, should you experience an unexpected tragedy?

If your palms are feeling a little sweaty and your heart is racing, we’re going to assume the answer is… probably not to any of the above. We reckon it’s a good thing that Frontwave Investment Services is a complimentary benefit to our credit union members and one you should start utilizing ASAP.

With Frontwave Investment Services, we cover a lot of ground with you one-on-one so you can eventually play hard just as much as you’ve worked hard. We don’t expect you to be an expert on all things finances which is why we partnered with our own experts to help you out, friend. You will find these services complement and build on the traditional services offered at Frontwave Credit Union:

  • Education Funding
  • Estate Planning
  • General Securities Trading
  • Life Insurance
  • Mutual Funds
  • Retirement Planning
  • Wealth Management
  • 401(k)/Pension Rollovers

It’s easy to get started with our team; the hold-up is assuming you have all the time left in the world. Blink, and it’s gone. Get started with your financial planning today. To learn more about Frontwave Investment Services, check out this link for details and contact information.