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Digital Upgrades

Digital Upgrades

This isn't how your father did his banking. Too bad for him.

In a perfect world, you wouldn't have to write out a bunch of checks and lick icky stamps in order to pay your bills. In a perfect world, you wouldn't have to visit a branch to deposit your paycheck. Guess what? At Frontwave, we've achieved these little pieces of perfection. And with recent improvements to our Digital Banking experience, you'll save even more time, money and effort. That's the sort of change that even your parents would approve.

Update 3/31/22: Financial Health Survey

Learn more about your financial wellness status by taking a Financial Health survey. Just log in to online banking on your mobile or desktop device, click on the "Financial Wellness" widget, and then on the "Financial Health" tab to access this quick, confidential questionnaire designed to help you better understand where you stand financially. The assessment measures four financial health segments – Spending, Saving, Borrowing, and Planning. Once you get your score, you'll be able to access tips and tricks on how to maximize your financial health!

Update 1/23/22: New Mobile Bill Pay experience

This update will provide our members with an enhanced user interface and user experience, including:

  • Addition of "Cancel" buttons, for easier “back” navigation
  • Expansion of payment date calendar view from one month to two months
  • Activity items organized by their status: processing, scheduled, history
  • Streamlined Autopay set-up process
  • Improved payment-entry process for mobile app users

Visit the Digital Banking Help Center to learn more about the new Mobile Bill Pay experience.

Update 11/30/2021: Quick Apply for Opening Accounts

Adding a Savings, Money Market, Certificate or Checking account to your existing membership just got easier. Just log in to your desktop or mobile banking app, click or tap on "Quick Apply" from the main menu, choose the type of account you want to open and fill in a few pieces of information. It’s that easy!

Update 12/6/21: New Mobile Transfer widget experience

Members visiting the Transfers Widget will see a new experience on mobile devices. Enhancements include:

  • New widget home screen provides scheduled and transfer history activity at a glance
  • A cleaner interfaces guides member to make a transfer or add an account
  • A more streamlined process for loan payment submission

Visit the Digital Banking Help Center to learn more information about the new Mobile Transfer Widget experience

Update September 2021: View your account number in mobile app

Members can now unmask their account number when viewing account history on the mobile apps (iOS and Android). Just click on the "Accounts" widget, select the account, tap the "Details" tab , and then tap the "eye" icon next to the masked account number near the top of the screen. Tapping the icon again will hide the account number again.

Update 10/22/2020: Quick Apply

Applying for a loan just got easier.

We've made it faster and easier to apply for a loan via Online Banking or the Frontwave Mobile App. Simply click or tap on "Quick Apply" from the main menu, then choose the type of loan you want to apply for. It’s that easy!

Update 06/22/2020: Dashboard, Account Number visibility, and Message attachment updates

Say Goodbye to the Mobile Dashboard

The landing page (“Dashboard”) on the Mobile App has been removed. What does that mean for you? When you log in after June 21, 2020, you’ll now go straight to the “Accounts” tab, which lots of great information pertaining to your account.

1. When you open your app, you will no longer see the “Dashboard” screen. Instead, you’ll see the “Accounts” screen. But don’t worry, you will still have access to all the cool features you had before.

2. To access “Secure Messages,” you’ll now need to go through the “More” tab at the bottom of the screen. Once you click on “More,” you’ll see the “Message Center” option. This will function exactly the same as before.

3. You will be able access to all the same features on the “Accounts” tab as you did on the “Dashboard.” This includes access to the Military Payday Schedule, Events and Seminars, Holiday Schedule, updates and much more. Just look for the banner at the top of the tab and tap to get the information you’re looking for!


Show/Hide Account Number

You can now choose whether to show or hide your account number once you’re logged into Online Banking through the website. This feature is really simple to use. Just click on the account you wish to view, then click on the “eye” icon to unmask and mask the account number. (Please note that this feature is not available when using the app. To find your account number on your app, tap on the “Account Details” link.)

Hide Account Number:

Show Account Number:

Added Ability to Upload Attachments to Messages in the “Mobile Message Center” (iOS only)

When creating or replying to a message in the “Mobile Message Center” using the Mobile App, you now have the ability to add an attachment if need be. At this time, this is only functional for those that use the iOS platform. To upload a file, simply click on “Attach Files” at the bottom of the “Compose” screen.

Update 4/27/2020: Edit Your Address in Contact Settings

Need to edit your address? Now it's as easy as updating your email or phone number. Just follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Online or Mobile Banking, then click or tap on the “Settings” link.
  2. Select the “Contact” tab, then click/tap on the pencil icon to edit the address:

3. Change the address, then click/tap on the “save” button. A prompt requesting verification of this change is presented.
4. Follow instructions to request a verification code. Once you receive it, enter the code and click/tap on “Verify.”
5. After you have verified the change, the contact page will update with new address:

Update 3/31/2020: New Menu Design for iPhone

Our latest release for iPhone (release 3012, now available for download in the App Store) includes a new design and location for the menu. Here's what you'll see when you open your app after the update:

Current members can set up Online Banking users by following the steps below:

Desktop Login

  • Click on the “Login” link at the top of any page on this website
  • Click on “Get Started”
  • Review and accept the Terms and Conditions by clicking the checkbox
  • Follow the steps to Register for Online Banking Access. You will need you have the following information handy: Social Security Numbers, Birth date, and either your Frontwave member number or the email address that is attached to your account.
  • Click continue, set up your security questions, and you’re done!

Mobile Login

  • Download the new Frontwave Mobile App in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
  • If you have not completed your first time login, you will be prompted to follow the steps listed above.
  • If you have, you may login with your password and immediately enjoy the new Mobile App!
To get enrolled, click "Get Started" on the top of this page. Or you can stop by your local Frontwave branch or give us a call at 800.736.4500.
No, you only need to register one time on either platform. You can then enjoy the same username and password for both Online and Mobile Banking.
The two most recent versions of Android and Apple support the new Mobile Banking. If you are using a device or version that is not available with our app, you can always log into Online Banking from our mobile-optimized homepage.
  • Desktop: Click on the "Transfers" widget on the widget menu. Choose between the "Quick" and "Classic" Transfer tab choices and proceed with creating a new transfer. NOTE: Visit the Digital Banking Help Center for more detailed information on transfers.
  • Mobile: Select "Transfers" in your app menu to access the Mobile Transfer Widget. Visit the Digital Banking Help Center for more detailed information on transfers.
Yes, you can now customize what you see on your dashboard by hiding accounts, color-coding your accounts, re-ordering your widgets, choosing which widgets you use the most, and more!
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