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Government Shutdown Support

Government Shutdown Support

Government Shutdown Support for Our Members: We Got You!

Frontwave will stand by our Members through every challenge. If you are worried about a potential Federal government shutdown impacting your finances, rest assured we are here to support you and give you peace of mind.

In the event of a government shutdown, Frontwave will post payroll for all Military and Department of Defense employees and those receiving Social Security Benefits who currently have direct deposit with us, even if there is no federal agreement on the budget.

  • We will post federal payrolls based on your most recent payroll deposit.
  • Frontwave, not the government, will provide these funds.
  • Once the Federal Budget is approved, we will seamlessly reverse the payroll advance and post the actual amount without any fees or interest.
  • Frontwave will work with members individually if differences or adjustments need to be made due to discrepancies in payroll amounts.
If you do not have direct deposit with Frontwave or your payroll is not automatically credited to your account, please get in touch with our Member Solution Center at 800.736.4500 and select option 4 to speak to a representative.